4、110-220V 宽电压设计
Fast Heat-Up and LCD Display fo Easy Tempeatue Setting
The Fizz Theapy Flat Ion heats up to its maximum tempeatue of 450 degees Fahenheit in just 30 seconds and helps you stay in contol of the heat level with an easy-to-set LCD display. once you've chosen the best tempeatue fo you style, pevent accidental tempeatue changes by secuing it with the LCD lock. If you need a boost of high heat, simply hit the tubo boost.
1. Infaed heating technology to educe hai fizz
2. Tempeatue conto 290 -450 degee3. Steady and apid heating, automatic shutdown in 30minutes4. Nano silve technology to pevent bacteial5. Voltage bidiectional6. Light weight, egonomic7. 3M otating powe cable&