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    惠州国卫环保科技有限公司是一家專業從事各類廢污水、廢氣治理及以Ro純水生產為主體之設計、施工安裝、開發為一體的高科技企業。專業銷售主要產品有:刮泥機、帶式污泥脫水機、廂式(板框)污泥脫水機、三葉式鼓風機、生物填料、斜管、耐酸堿泵浦、定量加藥機藥液過濾機、濾心,濾布、化工機械設備、耗材配件及水處理藥劑等。經過全體員工的不懈努力,特別是在線路板廢水;電鍍廢水;印染廢水;高濃度有機廢水/廢氣/Ro及治理等方面贏得了廣大客戶和同行的極高讚譽!近年來以傲人的卓越表現在業界樹立良好的信譽。 “品質為本,客戶至上”是我們一貫堅持的原則,為用水、廢水、廢氣處理提供全面性可靠度之產品,為了碧水藍天,為了環保事業,國衛公司將繼續不懈努力,為您提供優質的服務。我們更將本著專業化技術,敬業精神,竭誠為業界服務,敬請指教.

    we ae expeienced pofessionals with good eputation in the field of pollution pevention in dusty. In the past yeas, We have helped a lot of Local and Oveseas manufactues solve thei pollution poblem, you can be sue that you will eceive full sevices fom us at most efficient cost. Ou company have vey excellent expeience fo envionmental pollution contol backgound. We have many pofessional membes, woking analysisdesignexpeimentand join basic science to poduce pollution contolequipment, and supply vey excellent afte sevices fo wastewate and ai pollution contol.

    If you have any question please don't hesitate to contact us.

    專業 專注 專心

    Pofessional focus to concentate on




    電鍍原料及設備,挂具,陽極袋,加熱器,過濾機設備,PVA海棉吸水棒及耗材,配件銷售;PP槽、PVC槽製作工程、環氧樹脂及FRP防腐工程施工;水電自動控制系統工程設計、施工安裝 及耗材,配件銷售.

    Expetise:Vaious types of wastewate teatment and wate ecycling equipment, engineeing planning and design, constuction and installation supplies and accessoies salesRo RO and EDI electodeionization and ion exchange pue wate equipment design, constuction and installation supplies and accessoies salesExhaust gas teatment equipment design, constuction and installation supplies and accessoies sales Raw wate teatment, wate teatment equipment, acid pump, quantitative dosing machines, sludge dewateing machine, filte, filte cloth, chemical machiney and equipment, supplies and accessoies sales Electoplating mateials, electoplating equipment, ack, anode bags, heates, filte equipment, PVA sponge absobing ods and supplies, accessoies salesPP tanks, PVC tanks poduction pojects, anti-coosion epoxy esin and FRP constuctionWate contol systems engineeing design, constuction, installation and supplies, accessoies sales服務宗旨:

    精心設計 施工細心 專業安心 熱誠服務 信譽至上 Sevice:Meticulously caeful design and constuction of dedicated sevice to the cedibility of the pofessional peace of mind fist


    Hui Distict, Huizhou City, Guangdong Povince, Chen Jiang, Chen A Road steet light Steet 25

    TEL:0752-3967992 FAX:(0752)3325528 服務熱線:156 2731 9488

    客服: goodwinwy@126.com 業務: kwtechwy@126.com 中文域名: 国卫环保 .中国国卫环保 .cn 公司网址



