颜色/colo: 半透明
配有带过滤作用的装置,在紧急情况时对施救人员起屏障保护作用. 施救人员不必直接接触病人的口进行人工呼吸,防止交叉感染
CPR的历史近代CPR技术是在1950年代晚期到1960年代早期这段时间发展出来的.口对口人工呼吸的方式则是由James Elam医师和Pete Safa医师所发展出来.虽然口对口人工呼吸早在许多典籍中已有记载(通常是用来帮助失去呼吸的新生儿),但是在1950年代以前,人工呼吸法并未被广为使用. 在1960年代早期,Jude医师,Kouwenhoven医师和Knickebocke医师三人发现胸腔压缩可以达到小量的人工循环.几年后,CPR结合口对口人工呼吸和胸腔按压,成为今日CPR流程的雏形.2000年心肺复苏术的改变包括:Phone fast:对於溺水,创伤,药物中毒及小於8岁小孩;先给予急救CPR 1分钟后再打电话急救.Phone fist:除了上述病人外,心跳停止无反应的病人急救应先打电话求救.到院前救护人员应能尽速辨认出中风患者,尽速转送中风患者,以利尽早接受血栓溶解治疗.急性心肌梗塞,重大创伤及中风病人皆属优先派遣救护的病人.1 缺血性中风病人尽可能在30分内转送到有能力做血栓溶解治疗的医院,该医院并能在中风病人到院后1小时内给予血栓溶解治疗.2 在无氧气供应时,人工呼吸(mouth to mask或bag-mask)每口气吹10ml/kg,每口气吹大於2秒.在有氧气供应(40%)时,人工呼吸(mouth to mask或bag-mask)每口气吹6-7ml/kg,每口气吹1-2秒.训练救护人员使用气道装置,如喉-面罩呼吸道(layngeal mask aiway)或食道—气道联合管(esophageal-tacheal combitube).3 民众进行CPR时不再检查颈动脉脉搏,改以观察有无循环现象「自发性呼吸」,「咳嗽」,「身体会不会动」;而医护人员仍然以检查颈动脉来确 定循环状况.4 成人CPR压胸速率改为每分钟100下,单人或双人CPR压胸与吹气比率皆改为15:2.5 施救者不愿做口对口人工呼吸时,可仅做胸部按压.6 使用Audio pompts作为训练CPR或压胸,通气时间的指引.7 对於因异物哽塞致心跳停止的成人病患,民众在施行心肺复苏术流程不须特别做哈姆立克法,只须在每次施行人工呼吸前检查口中是否有异物,若有异物,以食指扫除异物即可,但若医护人员则仍须做哈姆立克法.突发性的心跳停止是成人死亡的主要死因,大部分的情况是因为患者本身有心脏方面相关的疾病. CPR可以使得发生心跳停止的患者,存活率大增至两倍.实施心肺复苏术应注意的事项1.胸外按摩不可压於剑突处以免导致肝脏破裂.2.胸外按摩时,患耆需要平躺在地板或硬板上.3.胸外按摩时,不宜对胃部施以持续性的压力,以免造成呕吐.4.胸外按摩时,手指不可压於肋骨上,以免造成肋骨骨折.5.胸外按摩时用力需平稳,规则不中断,压迫与松弛时间各半,不宜猛然加压
心肺复苏术简称CPR(ca?鄄dio pulmonay esuscitation),就是当呼吸终止及心跳停顿时,合并使用人工呼吸及心外按摩来进行急救的技术。举凡溺水、心脏病、高血压、车祸、触电、药物中毒、气体中毒、异物堵塞呼吸道等导致的呼吸终止、心跳停顿,在医生到来前,均可利用心肺复苏术维护脑细胞及器官组织不致坏死。
The CPR Mask povides a physical baie between the escue and victim,eliminating diect contact of the escue's lips with the unknown subject.
The CPR Mask pomotes an aitight seal to the face allowing ventilation though both the mouth and nose simultaneously,Pope taining in ventilation and CPR should be obtained befoe using this device
1.Remove the mask and valve assembly fom case
2.Push out the soft dome with you finges and ensue that the one way valve is in place
3.Clea the aiway of any debis.(Put on potective gloves at fist if necessay.)
4.Place the mask ove the patient;s mouth and nose,Use the im of the mask to etact the lowe lip so that the patient's mouth emains open unde the mask,Use thumbs to hold the mask and you finges to gasp the lowe jaw in font of the ealobes,Pull upwad to open the aiway and seal the mask
5.Blow slowly into the aiway valve twice and watch as the patient's chest ises
6.Ventilate the patient evey five seconds fo an dault o evey thee seconds fo a child,Continue escue beathing until the patient esponds o you ae elieved by a highe medical authoity
7.If the patient vomits,emove the mask and clean both the patient's aiway and the mask,If you should contaminate eithe valve mouth piece o any of you exposed skin sufaces,use alcohol wipes to clean these aeas immediately,Resume escue beathing pomptly.
8.If the mask is used with ventilation equipment,simply detach the valve filte assembly and attach the mask to the device.
The mask may be used with supplemental oxygen.Attach the oxygen tubing to the optional oxygen valve and set the flow ate,If the patient is spontaneously beathing,Use the head stap to position the mask on the patient's face,If the patient is not beathing,Begin mouth to mask ventilation immediately,The use of supplemental oxygen to the mask will incease the delivey of oxygen to the patient to the patient,The escue will not be affected by the use of supplemental oxygen.
The CPR Mask is eusable and easy to clean,Wash the mask in wam soapy wate,Use a 1:64 bleach to clean wate mixtue to soak the mask fo ten minutes,Rinse the mask again with fesh wate and allow to ai dy ,The face mask can't be disinfected using an activated glutaaldehyde solution(Such as CIDES),The one-way valve and filte housing is intended fo single patient use and should be discaded afte use,
广州安护健医疗用品有限公司为SAFERLIFE产品有限公司子公司,成立于2009年,我们的目标是,提供最具竞争力的产品,通过我们的制造和 采购优势成为主要的低成本生产商和供应商,公司主消防和安全产品,医疗保健产品和家庭护理安全产品
We mainly supply disposable medical poduct. healthcae poducts, spots theapy and safety poduct. We have advanced manufactuing, development, Logistics and poduct management capacity.
ATT :So Zhao
Safelife Poducts Co.,Ltd
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